Spiritual Gifts

Each of us has been blessed in a variety of ways with God given talents. Before I die I hope I can say I have used up all the gifts God gave me and shared them with those I love.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blog a Dog

Our dog died three weeks ago. Our hearts were tattered and torn by his death. Our other dog was so mournful and lonely that in spite of our feelings to not get another dog, that is just what we ended up doing. We bought a Border Collie Labrador mix from one of our local animal shelters. He is three and a half months old and we decided to name him Siegfried, Ziggy for short. The German name was my husband's idea and it certainly seems to fit him. He is a very active, loving and adorable little guy. We are hard at work to get him house broken so he can become an active member of our family indoors and outdoors as well as in his little crate, where he spends his night sleeping. We have to get up a couple times during the night to let him outdoors to relieve himself. Sometimes it is hard to get back to sleep so we will curl up on the couch with him on his little red blanket and fall asleep with him nuzzling on our laps or next to us.